
Trusting God for a Property

Over the last few years, we as a team have been praying for a property in order to facilitate new kinds of ministry. This property would be used to host teams and also to use hospitality to serve others. Though we have had outreach teams come to Liverpool, we were limited by lack of
central accommodation. If we ourselves are able to provide housing for the teams that come, we would be able to accommodate larger teams and allow them stay for longer stretches of time which would increase our fruit.

Since October 2019, YWAM Liverpool has been renting a property at No. 7 Derwent Square. It’s in an ideal location in Old Swan, with kind neighbors and a large private square in front of the house. The most incredible thing is that this property was once owned by YWAM Liverpool!

YWAM Liverpool started in 1985 at No. 4 Derwent Square. A friend put the deposit down, and lived with the team in the house. As the team grew, they bought No. 7 Derwent Square. The team at that time was given this scripture:

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.” (John 15:16)

The house was sold in the 1990’s to National Children’s Home, but later purchased privately by a former YWAMer. She had lived at the house when she was part of the Liverpool team. Now she hopes that it will once again belong to YWAM Liverpool. We want to purchase this house, but in order to do that, we need £280,000.

Since we’ve begun renting the house, we have hosted outreach teams, provided inexpensive short term accommodation for missionaries, began new ministries, and blessed our neighbors. We are eager that we should continue through the doors the Lord is opening for our team in Liverpool and ask that you consider being a part of this new season. Please consider donating toward our building fund. Thank you!



Name: Youth With A Mission Liverpool

Account Type: Business

Account Number: 42591989

Sort Code: 23-05-80

For payments from outside the UK


IBAN: GB79MYMB 230580 42591989